Tuesday, 19 April 2016

Viruses are exposing themselves

Saw this in the shop the other day...

I'm particularly interested in the statement at the bottom of the box - "Use before exposure to viruses or the 1st signs of cold".  How do you know that you're about to be exposed to viruses?

Viruses, or virii (to use the proper term), typically measure somewhere between 104 and 109 nanometres in size.  You can't see them, just like you can't see bacteria (even though they're 500 times bigger).

My wife is currently studying a science course, so I asked her how you could detect if a virus was heading for you, and she obligingly came up with a solution.  Apparently if you have a scanning electron microscope, you could take a sample of something and indeed then scan it to see if there was a virus there waiting to expose itself to you.  Of course you'd need several thousand pounds to buy one, but no solution is perfect.

In other news, I've done an entry for the BBC Radio New Comedy Awards 2016, and it'd be kinda cool if people had a listen and perhaps even "like" it on Soundcloud (assuming that you do like it)


  1. Ah-shew! <<Weak attempt at a sneeze. There is another product in the states called Airborn which supposedly does the same thing.

    1. :) I've used something like this in the past, and I think that it may well work, but I do get the impression that you're basically required to use it constantly "just in case"

  2. My husband swears by that stuff. I'm not buying it. Literally and figuratively. I would also just like to go on record saying he just got a virus and I didn't! There, I said it. :) I probably shouldn't be so cocky...

    1. Why not? Enjoy every victory you can get, that's what I say :)

  3. Who doesn't have an electron microscope, Mike? C'mon! Get with the times...lol! If you avoid people, you can avoid viruses...good luck. Funny stuff.

  4. This spray is unique and incredible and will keep you safe

  5. You use this spray before you get exposure
    Use it before you go into shops or work or anywhere there are other people
    And I can tell you that this spray actually works and kills cold and Covid viruses
    I have used it for many many years and at the age of 69 and still working even through this virus with delicate health
    I am still here safe and sound and protected by this very unique and incredible nasal and mouth spray

  6. You use this spray before you get exposure
    Use it before you go into shops or work or anywhere there are other people
    And I can tell you that this spray actually works and kills cold and Covid viruses
    I have used it for many many years and at the age of 69 and still working even through this virus with delicate health
    I am still here safe and sound and protected by this very unique and incredible nasal and mouth spray


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