Monday, 17 August 2015

Liqueur coffees

For anyone who didn't see me become unusually active on social media last night, I had some liqueur coffees.

They look cunningly like normal coffees, but with a bit spilt and the cap of a Captain Morgans Spiced Rum bottle next to them.

I was watching Star Trek VI, everything was quiet and they seemed like a good idea.

Later on I needed snacks, so I went to the garage.

And I picked these.  The twix seems reasonable, but I'm not sure about the chewable milk flavoured sweets. We've got curdled milk for free right in the refrigerator.

Why does the "GIANT STRAWBERRY FLAVOUR" bar need a mouse on it?

Anyway today I decided to analyse this anomaly of "the more liqueur coffees you have, the more it seems like a good idea to have one more", and summarised it in the below handy flowchart.  Perhaps you could print it out and keep it at work as a useful reminder.


  1. You have to love the enthusiasm :)

  2. I like the flow chart, can be applied to any liquor.

    1. I've yet to find one that doesn't work with the chart :)

  3. I like the flow chart, can be applied to any liquor.

  4. Ended up here after following a link to your more recent post, but I was drawn in... (I am a very nosy person, honestly, and also quite fond of a pint).

    Now I just know I will be somewhere quiet and serious, and suddenly have a laughing fit after randomly remembering the GIANT strawberry flavoured bar and its mysterious mouse...

    1. The amazing things you discover when slightly inebriated - I would never normally peruse the kids sweets section of my local garage... one of the sweets I didn't go for was called something like "Atomic bomb", I'm not really sure they should be sold to kids to be honest... :)

  5. Clever, got to love a flowchart.

  6. Clever, got to love a flowchart.

  7. I love coffee and liquor what a great combination. Nothing better than this

  8. I love coffee and liquor what a great combination. Nothing better than this

  9. I love this chart! If they would have used this at my job, it would have been better due to the unique coffee!

    1. thanks! It's based on a particular evening when I got through about six liqueur coffees, each one seeming like a better idea than the previous :)

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