Saturday, 8 March 2025

New Website and Book Progress

First and foremost, I've got a new website, it's - go and take a look at it if you haven't already.


See this??

This is a wonderful, wonderful thing.  I appreciate that it isn't that easy to read, but basically Kindle Self Publishing has accepted my manuscript.

I knew that writing and publishing a book would be a lot of work, but I didn't realise the amount of tinkering needed at this stage. There's so much little tweaking to be done, both fixing errors in the upload process but also correcting words and format errors.  It's going to be an iterative process, particularly as I get feedback from beta readers, but I can't deny that I'm impatient and getting tempted just to press the Publish button!

The other cool thing is I've got my cover artwork produced by the awesome Nazia Hameed ( which I'm really grateful for.

Nazia came up with 5 different concepts this was great as I really had no idea what I wanted (which is definitely not helpful!)

So, I'm hoping to publish in a couple of months, stay tuned :)

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